Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) today announced that Rikky Muller, Ph.D., professor at University of California, Berkeley in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, is the recipient of the…
On April 19, 2017, Facebook announced that it’s working on a “typing by brain” project. At its developer conference, Facebook executive Regina Dugan promised that this brain-computer interface will decode…
Dysfunction of distributed neural networks underlies many brain disorders. The development of neuromodulation therapies depends on a better understanding of these networks. Invasive human brain recordings have a favorable temporal…
The CZ Biohub Investigator Program is funding research by world-renowned scientists, engineers and technologists from UC Berkeley, Stanford, and UCSF. This funding is unrestricted, giving these extraordinary Investigators the freedom…
When you’re suddenly able to understand someone despite their thick accent, or finally make out the lyrics of a song, your brain appears to be re-tuning to recognize speech that…
Hippocampal replay during sharp-wave ripple events (SWRs) is thought to drive memory consolidation in hippocampal and cortical circuits. Changes in neocortical activity can precede SWR events, but whether and how…
CNEP Annual Retreat Friday, December 2nd, 2016 Genentech Hall, UCSF Mission Bay *Click here to register* Program Keynote Speaker: John Rogers Director, Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics, and Louis Simpson…
UC scientists were awarded more than $9 million in the latest round of awards from the federal BRAIN Initiative. CNEP faculty Jose Carmena, Edward Chang, Karunesh Ganguly, and Philip Starr among the grant…
One crucial test for any quantitative model of the brain is to show that the model can be used to accurately decode information from evoked brain activity. Several recent neuroimaging…
University of California, Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal…